Sunday School, Contemporary Issues

9:30 AM

News is inevitable--whether it be good or bad. In this course we are juxtaposing Scripture to help navigate current events. God's Word is powerful and relatable to the events happening here and now. Come join the dialogue on how to apply God's word to everyday life. Meets in the Library. Joe Staton.

Sunday School, Chosen

9:30 AM

The Chosen is NOT the Bible nor does it seek to be or replace reading and studying the Bible. The Chosen is based on the Gospels; some locations and timelines have been combined or condensed. Back stories and characters or dialogue have been added. However, all biblical and historical content and artistic imagination, they say, is intended to uplift Scripture. This study will compare the adaptation with Scripture.

Meets in the Fellowship Hall. Tom Cox.

Youth Sunday School (The Gospel According to Mark)

9:30 AM

Mark's glad news of salvation is, based on the contextual evidence, said to be written for a Gentile readership. For example Mark seldom refers to the Old Testament, and he explains Jewish things. For Mark, Jesus proves himself to be the Christ, God's Son, by his mighty teaching and deeds and then by teaching and enduring the Passion which is followed by the Resurrection. For more information contact Family Life Minister Curtis.

Confirmation (Youth)

2:00 PM

Confirmation is a lifelong Christian education and relational experience, within the congregation, that began when you came to faith in Jesus Christ.
Small Catechism
The functions of creeds are to 1) used as a teaching device, 2) they highlights what is central in Scripture, 3) provide a common identity seeking to include all 4) Attacks false teaching.

Unit Creed (Review): A review of what we have covered and what we remember. With the help of the Holy Spirit, students will understand the importance of creeds and how they are utilized. Students will identify the role of God the Father, the role of God the Son and His nature, and the role of God the Holy Spirit.

Middle of the Week Bible Study

10:00 AM

The book of Amos is a collection of prophetic messages delivered by the prophet Amos. Most of Amos’s messages are announcements of God’s anger with and impending judgment on faithlessness. Amos is critical of worship life, which has deteriorated to rote ritual observance disconnected from daily life. The prophet draws on both on history and moral/legal tradition to support his condemnations of our actions. Meets in the Cafe.

Women's Bible Study

10:00 AM

A group Bible study can be a place to celebrate life’s victories, get prayer support, be encouraged in tough times, and keep ourselves accountable in our personal growth. Group Bible studies, like ours, offer a structured time to focus on topics that address our needs or interests. They offer an enlivening arena to help carry us from week to week and a safe place to work out the challenges we face. For more information contact Alice

Life Team

9:00 AM

Speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) is easier said than done. We live in a time when abortion is called a “right” and a “choice,” when assisted suicide is called “compassion,” when sex outside of marriage is called “natural” and “safe.” It is a time when gender ideology insists the genders are interchangeable and misgendering someone is called “hate speech.” Our intent is to counter these lies in love with the truth of God’s Word.

Bible Study Live Stream Ending


We have ended the live streaming of our Bible studies (Sunday and Wednesday). To often on Sunday we have lived streamed and empty room instead of the worship service. Ending the live stream allows us to move Wednesday Bible study to the Cafe. You are encouraged and invited to attend any of our bible studies in person. Ending the Live stream only affects only the Bible studies. We are continuing live streaming of our worship services and funerals.

Sunday School Classes


Romans (Family Life Minister Curtis) Paul begins by surveying the spiritual condition of all mankind. He finds Jews and Gentiles alike to be sinners and in need of salvation. This epistle is really the chief part of the New Testament, and is truly the purest gospel. That salvation has been provided by God through Jesus Christ and his redemptive work on the cross. It is said, we can never read it or ponder over it too much; for the more we deal with it, the more precious it becomes and the better it tastes… [Youth Room]

Contemporary Issues (Joe Staton) News is inevitable--whether it be good or bad. In this course we are juxtaposing Scripture to help navigate current events. God's Word is powerful and relatable to the events happening here and now. Come join the dialogue on how to apply God's word to everyday life. [Library/Live Steam]

Chosen (Tom Cox) The Chosen is NOT the Bible nor does it seek to be or replace reading and studying the Bible. The Chosen is based on the Gospels; some locations and timelines have been combined or condensed. Back stories and characters or dialogue have been added. However, all biblical and historical content and artistic imagination, they say, is intended to uplift Scripture. This study will compare the adaptation with Scripture.[Fellowship Hall]


Life Team Training

3rd Saturday
9:00 AM

Speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) is easier said than done. We live in a time when abortion is called a “right” and a “choice,” when assisted suicide is called “compassion,” when sex outside of marriage is called “natural” and “safe.” We are meeting together to figure out how we can counter these lies in love with the truth of God’s Word.

A Seminar on Heaven


Everyone wonders what Heaven will be like. There is no end to the confusion people have about what it will be like. Scripture does provide answers to people's questions. This class will explore where we learn our ideas about heaven and compares those conceptions against what Scripture says.

Handouts for your reference:

Barbara Walters Heaven Timeline Additional Bible Passages Modes of Eternal Life What Happens when I Die?

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